Your first Okyanus mod

By the end of this page, you'll have a very basic mod in your hands.


Check out the Developing Okyanus mods page for preparing a development environment.

Main class

The template has an example command at club.issizler.template.TemplateMod but we'll create our own for learning purposes. Delete that file and start fresh.

Your mod needs a "main class". To create it, you'll have to do two things:

  • Extend the Mod class.
  • Add your class to entrypoints.server on fabric.mod.json like how the template does it.

A mod can have multiple main classes.

We can now start adding commands.

First command

Create another class, call it something like HelloCommand and implement CommandRunnable on it. Now you can put a couple System.out.printlns to the created method.

You'll need to register this class now. Go to your main class' init method and register your command like so:

    new CommandBuilder("hello")
        .run(new HelloCommand());

Now compile your mod, and add it to your mods/ folder.

You should now be able to use the /hello command on your server.

Command arguments

To add an argument to your command, first define it in your registration:

    new CommandBuilder("hello")
        .arg("person", ArgumentType.PLAYER)
        .run(new HelloCommand());

Now go to your command class, and get the value of that argument like so:

Optional<Player> p = source.getArgPlayer("person")

Try printing it out!


Now let's edit some chat messages, why not?

Create another class, and implement EventHandler<ChatEvent> on it.

You should now be able to use setMessage on the generated method to edit chat messages, try it out.

You'll also need to register this class, so do it like this on your main class:

registerEvent(new ChatListener()); // ChatListener is your class' name

Now, if you were to test your mod, your chat messages should be modified.

Event list?

You can find all of Okyanus' events here.
Check the description for This event fires whenever ... to see if it's an event or not


We're bundling Night Config with the API, so you can check out their documentation for more info.


Please put all your configuration inside <server folder>/config/ so all mod settings can be in a single place.